St Mary’s 300 Club
The 300 Club is a weekly draw with a maximum of 300 members.
Members are allocated a number/s at a cost of £1 per week per number.
There is a weekly prize of £100 and the winning number is selected by a machine on a random number basis.
When all the numbers are taken the draw makes £10,400 net.per year which helps to pay the insurance premium for the church.
Members choose how they wish to pay ie. Weekly, 4 weekly, quarterly, annually (including standing order).
Money can be paid via bank transfer or standing order (please contact Church for bank details), or money can be given in a clearly marked envelope with name, 300 Club number (if known) and amount to be paid, and delivered to the Church house or placed in collection basket at the back of the Church at Mass.
At present there are spare numbers available and new members would be very welcome.
Please contact the Church on 01555 662234 if you would like to join.